You’re Not Ready For These Surprising Steam Deck Comparison Photos:
Steam Deck vs Wii U ControllerSpeaking of chonky, remember the Wii U gamepad? You’ll be relieved to hear Nintendo’s thicc controller is a whole 1mm deeper than Deck. But comparisons aren’t really fair, not least of which because the Deck is a literal computer, and the Wii U gamepad was nothing more than a fancy wireless remote with a screen.I have fond memories of the PS Vita, and remember it feeling great in my hands.
You’d be forgiven for wondering if the Steam Deck, despite its hardware prowess and PC gaming pedigree, is going to be an unwieldy piece of tech. Only extended gaming sessions will provide an answer, and that answer will certainly vary depending on your personal preferences.I easily burned 100+ hours playingon the classic Game Boy Advance.
To see a wealth of other comparisons, such as the deck vs a VirtualBoy, Nokia N-Gage, and AYA Neo Next, check out Golomb’s entireIf you want to read more Steam Deck coverage, check this out: