You have to see this reporter‘s Midnights-inspired traffic report
After telling viewers about potential delays due to construction on one major thoroughfare, she warned, “Make sure to give yourself a little extra time, you don’t want to be thinking, ‘Ugh, ‘Would’ve Could’ve, Should’ve’ left a little earlier and avoided getting stuck in this backup,” as one of the anchors off screen began laughing and clapping at her ingenuity.
From there, Watko stepped it up a notch, dropping track names in rapid-fire succession. “This is not a ‘Glitch,’ Lucy,” she said. “Looking great out there, ‘Sweet Nothing’ in both directions. This is our ‘Karma’ for dealing with that earlier construction … for dealing with an earlier vehicle fire. And if we take a wide look at the area, you’re gonna see that most of our map is actually ‘“But this map is very fickle,” the traffic reporter continued.
Turning her attention to South Philly, where a Smashing Pumpkins concert was taking place at the Wells Fargo Center, Watko then rattled off references to “Labyrinth,” “You’re on Your Own, Kid,” “Dear Reader” and “Vigilante Shit” before ending with her own shoutout to Swift, saying, “There’s no ‘Question…?’ that it’s red October.