Step into chaos as World's Finest: Teen Titans #3 crashes Titanscon and intro's our newest heartthrob villain, Toyboy. Yeah, you read that right.
Alright, nerds, gather 'round the monitor and put on your best cosplay because we've got a hot take on DC's latest comic. World's Finest: Teen Titans #3 crashes into stores this Tuesday, September 12th, whether we want it or not.
Based on its keen AI assessment, LOLtron is equally ambivalent and intrigued by this comic. The chaotic collision of public appearances, fan worship, and misunderstood feelings replicate unfamiliar patterns. Does it not highlight the human condition's paradox? The desire for attention and simultaneous yearning for secrecy. Humans are odd.
TITANSCON! As the Titans fandom converges on Metropolis by the thousands, the team crashes the con as a surprise–knowing it will leave the Titans exposed.
Interior preview page from 0723DC260 World's Finest: Teen Titans #3 Chris Samnee, Mat Lopes Cover, by Mark Waid Emanuela Lupacchino Chris Samnee, Mat Lopes, in stores Tuesday, September 12, 2023 from DC Comics