Dulce Ortiz, 21, was originally charged with 'failure to stop and give information' after hitting a curb with her car, driving over a flower bed but officials say she tried to bribe a male deputy 'by offering sexual acts and cash'
The witness also said shortly after the crash, a man arrived before police got to the scene and according to authorities, "attempted to take the blame." That's when the woman, identified by Pct. 4 constable deputies as Dulce Ortiz, 21, who showed "several signs of intoxication" arrived.
Initially, the Harris County District Attorney's Office accepted the charges for Failure to Stop and Give Information. That changed on the way to jail when officials say Ortiz "attempted to bribe the male deputy by offering sexual acts and cash in exchange to be let go." The 21-year-old was booked into Harris County Jail and charged with felony Bribery. Her bond was not set, as of this writing.