COVID cases are climbing across the state, and, according to health experts, many people may be walking around with the virus and not even know it.
The reason — many of us are not getting tested. And for those who are, the test results may not always be accurate.
According to the King County Health Department, it’s best to do the at-home test twice for clarity. They advise taking the second test 24 to 72 hours after the first test. If both come back negative, people are most likely in the clear, but it doesn’t hurt to take a PCR the Aurora neighborhood of Seattle, several people told KIRO7 they got tested again even after taking an at home test, just to have that peace of mind.
“I think it’s really important. Probably more safe to get this one than the home test, I believe,” Tony Lillard said. “We both got tested on Sunday. I found out this morning that my ex-wife and daughter are ill with it. I was with them on Thursday, so we’re just being careful,” one man told KIRO7.