The NewMoon in Aquarius is all about course correction—here’s what to expect for your sign
ew moons create a portal for new beginnings. While there is almost nothing as refreshing as starting anew on a blank slate, the upcoming new moon in Aquarius, taking place on February 1, at 12:45 a.m., EST, more so jolts us in a different direction than guides us gently. This new moon invites us to ask ourselves where have we been tiptoeing over eggshells, frightened to fully commit to change, and it may feel like a celestial tug-of-war between what has been and what can be.
The sun and moon in Aquarius during the lunation invite us to reflect on our hopes and dreams for the future. What structures do we have in place to achieve those goals? On a collective level, Aquarius’ energy also asks us to reflect on society, communities, and group dynamics. What groups are we part of, and are they fostering productive, healthy dynamics or are they more harmful? Aquarius’ archetype can also be described as the rebel and knows what it feels like to be othered.
. This new moon takes place just a few days before the sun’s once-a-year conjunction with Saturn, which kicks off a fresh start with our personal relationship with authority, responsibility, and determination for the year to come.for a comprehensive understanding of how this new moon in Aquarius may affect your birth chart, and then get a bespoke self-care practice to make the most of what the transit brings.
and start a a daily skin-care routine that will have you investing more time into yourself rather than focusing on the noise around you.You’re in a cycle of learning and unlearning, Gemini. This new moon in Aquarius unveils tension between your current spiritual path or subject matters you’re soaking up, and old self-defeating patterns that you’re ready to release. This is a fresh start to expand your perspective through knowledge.
. How can you apply these learnings to your daily life to create healthier practices? You may think you have it all figured out, but a little tinkering with your routines may lead to massive breakthroughs.: Develop a morning practice. The first hour of your day sets you up for what's to come. Be honest: Do you start your day by scrolling on social media? Step away from your phone and find a productive way to kick off your morning routine.Check in with your inner child, Libra.