Find out everything you need to know about Lilith’s place in your birth chart.
the primeval power of childbirth belongs to women, and thus represents a fundamental threat to the hierarchy. If women surpass the role of vessels — or victims — to their biology, then they contradict the authority of Adam, and his righteous God. Creative autonomy, once unleashed, is a force which cannot be straightjacketed or institutionalized. It represents an ancient order that renders man dispensable.
Since arriving in Cancer in April, Lilith has revealed how far the state will go to prove its supremacy, and to keep its Eves in blind submission. The optimistic feminism of the 2010s — which sought coalition-building, workplace elevation, and collective justice — feels naive in the bitterness of a new backlash decade. Witch culture is over; vampires are back, and it’s every Slayer for herself.
Though Cancer is often ridiculed for its codependency, its shell can withstand the cruelest devastation. Empathy does not equate to weakness, as embodied by the Cancers Michelle Rodriguez and Lil’ Kim, who wield an armor of authenticity in the face of judgment. The sign of the mother is populated by women who sacrifice their reputations to give more to the world than just a child.
In fairy tale lore, princesses often find themselves locked away, languishing in the darkest cell of the tallest tower, waiting for the prince’s kiss to restore their freedom. But the hags, crones, and sea witches answer only to their own power. Far beyond the palace walls, unbound by moral propriety, they command the elements and transform into the great dragons and monsters of myth. Paradise can no longer contain you. Let the kingdom burn. Your God is in the desert now.