Frank Siecienski captured the blurry image on an outdoor camera
"Evidently it was either protecting its young or picking it up," he claimed. “We just don’t know.”
One biologist NECN reached with Vermont's Fish & Wildlife Department in Rutland didn't even want to talk about this on-camera, hinting it was a waste of his time to even give it attention. Siecienski admitted he is used to skeptical responses.Others have told him what he photographed is more likely an owl. But he said he's not budging, and even bought the vanity plate"BIG FT" for his car.
"I've gotten a good response from that," Siecienski said, claiming it has been a conversation starter that has led to other people reporting their Bigfoot sightings to him."That's exactly what one would look like right there," he said, pointing to a muscular lawn ornament with a long head and broad face.
Until he gets a clearer view of the"real thing," Frank Siecienski said he will keep battling the non-believers and searching for more evidence that Bigfoot is roaming the Northeast.