A Ukrainian woman lost a hand, a foot, and her unborn child when a Russian rocket blasted her apartment building in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine.
A Ukrainian woman lost a hand, a foot, and her unborn child when a Russian rocket blasted her apartment building.
Her husband Konstantin was uninjured and was able to carry her to rescuers, who took her to a hospital in Sloviansk. Kateryna was then transferred from hospital to hospital. From Sloviansk she was taken to Dnipro, then to Kyiv, then to Lviv.Kateryna dreams of returning to Ukraine as soon as possible to take her 6-year-old son Damir, who also survived the blast, to first grade in the fall.
"She was visited by a Danish prosthetist, who gave a very optimistic prognosis about the leg prosthesis.The hospital said it did not know which unit or units of the Russian Armed Forces were behind the attack on the Herman family's apartment block.