Ripped from real-world occult texts, Ari Aster brought King Paimon and his cult to life!
The Big Picture Ari Aster’s 2018 Hereditary is a powerful and affecting horror movie with a solid, albeit terrifying foundation in supernatural realism, demonology, and the occult. In this film, Aster uses horror tropes as a tool to examine fears about motherhood, mental health, and the impact of grief. Many horror movies have drawn on real-life cases to scare viewers like The Amityville Horror, The Uninvited, and Blumhouse’s Conjuring franchise.
Where Does 'Hereditary's Paimon Come From? The cult and demon featured in Hereditary, Paimon, are lifted from a controversial grimoire . The movie is an affecting and powerful portrait of the dissolution of a family whose lineage has been tainted by a supernatural force with evil intentions.
How Do 'Hereditary's Themes Connect To the Occult? The focus of Hereditary is the supernatural fall-out and its devastating impact on the Graham family following the death of the family matriarch. It transpires she was in cahoots with a demon-worshipping cult with Ann Dowd's Joan as their figurehead. In Hereditary, Annie is unwittingly indoctrinated into Paimon's cult by Joan, who manipulates her into conducting a séance by exploiting her grief.
Rumors of secret societies persisted and further intrigued the young man until he finally found one. His search led him to The Order of the Golden Dawn . The order had an immediate distrust of Crowley as a result of deception on his part during his first attempt to join – he went in disguise. Similar to Joan's wolf in sheep's clothing demeanor and how her methods and underhanded tactics mirror Crowley's manipulations within The Order.
Following his exile, he still retained enough wealth to further his esoteric studies and landed in America during World War I where he contributed to several periodicals including one known as The Fatherland. During the conclusion of Hereditary, the savagery and primitivism of Crowley are represented by Paimon's acolytes when they come after Peter .