Time to rock on in the Metaverse! Will concerts held in the virtual space become the catalyst to the mass adoption of DAOs and NFTs?
As the two-year anniversary of the global COVID-19 pandemic begins to hurtle toward us, we are no closer to knowing when our social lives will return to normal or what will the new normal be. The effect this has had on businesses like nightclubs, music venues and musicians have been immeasurable.
This prospect is particularly exciting for smaller acts. As any promoter or small-time musician will tell you, tours are both a necessity for any musician who wants to make their art their career but also a time-consuming and expensive operation. A Metaverse “tour” in which overheads are minimal will remove barriers to live performance not only for fans but for artists, too.
Just like other rising stars of the blockchain world such as nonfungible tokens , DAOs have already started to make their mark in the music world. In October, the deep-pocketed PleasrDAOOnce Upon a Time in Shaolin