'The Best Weapons in Destiny 2 to Take Into the Witch Queen Expansion' destiny2witchqueen destiny2
Random world drop or open the Xur exotic engram each week, which prioritises weapons and items you haven’t collected.
Arbalest will be a good start for anyone, it got updated to have automatic anti-barrier rounds and melts any enemy shield no matter what element it is. Additionally, the exotic linear fusion rifle is supposed to be getting a buff for Witch Queen, so might be worth picking it up.Easily the best long-range weapon in the game, the curated roll you get from the New Light quest comes with Overflow and Explosive Payload.
This is the most useful kinetic grenade launcher in the game because you can get Slideshot and blinding grenades on it. Blinding grenades mean you’ll be able to take out enemies without them shooting back and Slideshot means you’ll never have to go through the reload animation, as sliding will reload the weapon for you.Very good for burst damage against majors and ultras, but it’s not advisable to use against bosses and the long-term damage isn’t very sustainable.