An investigation was launched following the Hazard High School 'inappropriate student-led activities' that took place during homecoming week festivities.
Nema Brewer, a co-founder of the public education group Ky. 120 United, was one of those who criticized the school staff for allowing the incident to occur.
"Public education is under so much fire right now. This kind of stuff is not helpful. In fact, it's disgusting. It appears they are sexualizing young adults," Brewer told theThe Kentucky Department of Education said they are also aware of the incident at Hazard High School. The department tweeted that under state law, superintendents have a duty to report any instances of educator misconduct to the Education Professional Standards Board.
"If an investigation finds a certified educator likely violated the Kentucky Educator Code of Ethics, they are required to report this to EPSB," the tweet added."If any citizen of the Commonwealth feels that that Kentucky's educator Code of Ethics was violated by a certified educator, they can also file a written complaint with the EPSB by email."Herald-Leader.
In the first instance, photos emerged online of him driving students around as they drank alcohol and smoked. Mobelini was also investigated after police caught students drinking on the school's football field moments after he was with them. He was cleared after stating that he was unaware the students had alcohol.