A former Seattle software engineer has been charged with stealing more than $300,000 from his employer earlier this year.
He definitely has a case of the Mondays.
Ermenildo Valdez Castro, 28, a former employee for the online shopping company, allegedly began siphoning off money from his employer this spring by making alterations to the company’s software, CNNCastro installed three types of malicious code, which targeted a small portion of Zulily customers and diverted their shipping fees to a bank account he controlled, KIROCastro also double-charged some customers for shipping and sent part of the shipping fee to his account, and lowered items’ prices...
In the film, frustrated employees at a software company company install code that swipes fractions of pennies from their employer.The inspiration for the heist came from the plot of Mike Judge’s black comedy flick, where frustrated employees at a software company company install code that swipes fractions of pennies from their employer, Castro told cops.