Being a good manager is about understanding what drives you — and using that motivation to build positive relationships to serve others first, yourself second.
that are profoundly important when it comes to managing people: the need for achievement, the need for power, and the need for affiliation. He points out that these motivators can serve us well in our work and interactions with people. But, if we don’t understand and manage these needs, they can backfire. Let’s look at each motivator in turn.Your achievement drive is most likely a big part of the reason why you’ve been so successful all your life. You love to excel.
There are lots of other reasons why it’s really hard to be true friends with your direct reports — you control your employee’s schedules, workloads, promotions, and salaries, to name a few. And sometimes you have to make tough business decisions that can strain personal relationships. But, there are people at work with whom you reallyfor friendship. This might be hard for you, because coming up, most star performers focus on the boss, not their peers.