Sharon Stone is mourning the sudden death of her nephew.
"I was walking, a ragged, tilted walk, my right leg dragging a bit, the left side of my face distorted and low, no feeling from the knee up in my left leg," she wrote."I was talking, not knowing I was stuttering, not realizing that the walls didn’t really have blocks of colors on them. I’d lost directional hearing in my right ear and so much weight. I was now a whopping size two, at five feet, eight and a half inches.
"My right ear was so f'ed up that I had to turn my head to the left and watch people’s lips to understand what they were saying… I had an incomplete sense of what was going on around me… I had lost my short-term memory," she continued."… I wouldn’t be able to read for another two years or remember where I’d put down my teacup. But I was up and I was alive."This video is unavailable because we were unable to load a message from our sponsors.