Serena Williams says she intends to retire from tennis after the US Open
The four-time Olympic gold medalist shared on Instagram Tuesday that"the countdown has begun" and she will relish in the next few weeks.
"There comes a time in life when we have to decide to move in a different direction," Williams wrote."That time is always hard when you love something so much. My goodness do I enjoy tennis. But now, the countdown has begun. I have to focus on being a mom, my spiritual goals and finally discovering a different, but just exciting Serena. I'm gonna relish these next few weeks.
“In the last year, Alexis and I have been trying to have another child, and we recently got some information from my doctor that put my mind at ease and made me feel that whenever we’re ready, we can add to our family," Williams continued. "I definitely don’t want to be pregnant again as an athlete. I need to be two feet into tennis or two feet out.”