A new clip from episode 6 of The Lord of the Rings: TheRingsOfPower previews a big battle sequence involving Arondir and a group of Orcs.
Warning! Spoilers ahead for The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 1, episode 5.A new clip from The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power episode 6 teases an intense battle sequence between Arondir and a number of Orcs. Based on J.R.R Tolkien's beloved fantasy novels, The Rings of Power chronicles the rise of evil in Middle-earth during the Second Age.
SCREENRANT VIDEO OF THE DAY Among the new characters introduced in The Rings of Power is Arondir, a Silvan Elf played by Ismael Cruz Córdova. Not unlike the romance between Aragorn and Arwin in The Lord of the Rings, Arondir is in the midst of a somewhat secret relationship with Bronwyn , a human.
Why The Rings Of Power Has Fewer Battle Scenes Than The Lord Of The Rings Although The Rings of Power has had several tense action scenes, the show hasn't yet featured any epic battles at the scale of Jackson's The Lord of the Rings movies. With the show taking place in a totally different time period from The Lord of the Rings and boasting a number of new main characters, there's evidently a lot of set-up that needs to be done before any large-scale battles can take place.
Furthermore, as beloved as Jackson's The Lord of the Rings movies are, TV is a different medium that requires different pacing. Game of Thrones, for example, didn't feature its first major battle sequence until towards the end of its second season. Considering four additional seasons of The Rings of Power have been envisioned by the creators, there's still plenty of time for the story to develop and for large-scale conflicts to brew.