Very refreshing.
? Sure!) But I will raise this warning: Drinking in the sun has its complications. A pitcher of margaritas is asking for trouble—fine, perhaps, if you’ve got time for a nap after. But lower-ABV options are a slower ride; you can sip for longer without getting tipsy or tired. And that’s where bartender Natasha David’s brilliant new book,, comes in.
The whole thing takes just a minute to combine, but every ingredient pulls its weight. You need the warming touch of ginger, but this isn’t the time of year to fuss with grating fresh ginger and boiling a syrup. Kombucha contributes all the gingery spice you need, plus, David notes, “the combination takes on all these wonderful raw, wild flavors.”
Watermelon juice calms the heat. You can buzz seedless melon cubes in a blender and strain if you don’t have a juicer, though a local juice bar will also sell the juice to you pre-made, and that’s the easiest way to go. The sherry works like a touch of salt, bringing out the best in the melon. While David recommends sherry as a flavor-packed cocktail base in any season, she notes that in the summer, “fino sherry is particularly cooling and refreshing and savory. It almost makes you feel like you're drinking the ocean breeze.”