In Arizona, an ad said Sen. Mark Kelly’s votes against the Keystone pipeline “caused higher gas prices.” The pipeline was years from completion and played no role in gas prices.
"Mark Kelly voted against the Keystone pipeline, which caused higher gas prices,"from the political action committee Saving Arizona said. It also said the Republican candidate Blake Masters, whom Saving Arizona backs, supports the pipeline and"energy independence."
The ad’s statement is flawed, because the Keystone pipeline had no connection to the 2021 rise — and subsequent fall — in gas prices. Even if the pipeline project had continued, it would not have been constructed in time to have any effect on 2021 or 2022 oil production. And if it had been built, it would not have boosted crude oil supplies enough to impact gas prices.On his first day in office —Jan.
Another point: Pipelines such as Keystone XL that facilitate the transport of oil don’t necessarily correlate to an increase in oil production. Plus, there was no guarantee that the resulting refined petroleum products would have been sold to American gasoline providers, which would be necessary to lower per-gallon prices domestically.