The Indiana school district allows transgender or nonbinary students to sign documents informing their school of their preferred identity, which would not have to be disclosed to parents or guardians.
A new support plan for students who identify as transgender or nonbinary is creating an uproar for many parents in LaPorte County, Indiana.Under the district's gender support plan, students in kindergarten through 12th grade who identify as transgender or nonbinary can sign documents informing their school of their preferred identity, which would not have to be disclosed to parents or guardians.
"There is a way to protect these kids, and love them, and care for them through these issues that they might be dealing with, without putting everyone else at risk, and without further abusing them by buying in to whatever their confusion is," said New Prairie parent Joe Emerick. Backers of the plan have said that's why it's important to provide transgender students with the proper support.