.feministabulous: If you're a man and you think abortion rights don't impact you, you're wrong.
published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that boys who can avoid becoming teenage fathers have a greater chance of going to college if abortion is an option for them and their partner.and the stability of that country
. Female empowerment is linked to peace and the violation of women’s human rights is intimately connected to conflict. Countries where violence against women is tolerated see higher levels of political instability andIf it was about babies as Republicans claim, they would be fighting for more child benefits, not less.
“Right-wing movements in this country and around the world understand perfectly well that feminism is one of the greatest threats to oligarchy and autocracy," Katz said."They know that rolling back women’s reproductive freedom is a key way to block women’s struggle for gender equality. And without gender equality, there is no real democracy.”, it’s hard to believe men have anything to lose.