'OpenMind Course: How to have Meaningful Conversations' communication communicationskills
Often, we continue to rely on patterns we built early in life and don't realize there are other ways that could lead to more meaningful dialogues.
There are so many issues dividing our society worldwide, but even if I stick to the smaller scale of a community or even a family, it’s obvious we’re bound to meet people with different opinions.To improve the way we communicate, we need to make a deliberate effort! But what do we need to learn and how can we apply that?
It was developed by a non-profit that spun out of a project of the NYU-Stern School of Business and one of the founders is author, professor and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt.I first went through OpenMind's 8 modules last year and was impressed by how easy they made it look. This year I retook it before writing this.
Another idea that wasn’t new to me was that we can be tricked by our senses and be confident about something that isn't true. Because that's how we perceive the world, we don't realize that other people might see it differently. These are just two examples of what I learned in OpenMind. Obviously, both these topics are developed in a much more engaging and clearer way than I intend to describe here. My hope is that I could intrigue you to take a look.