DfT's 2021 reported casualty figures show: - Number of cyclists killed on Britain's roads fell 21% - BUT, still second highest number of fatalities in a year since 2014 - Slight increase in number of serious and slight injuries cycling
The number of cyclists killed on Britain's roads dropped from 141 to 111 in 2021 compared with the year before — a reduction of 21 per cent — although the number of reported serious injuries, slight injuries and overall casualties all increased., outlining the statistics and examining the main trends in collisions.on in Great Britain in 2021, and 16 per cent of the 27,450 killed or seriously injured casualties that were reported.
The Department for Transport also examined the location, vehicles involved, time — and many other factors — and grouped reported casualty data between 2016 and 2021 to create averages and"to allow sufficiently robust analysis by age, sex and other variables". When looking at trends for the time of collisions, the weekday peak mirrored morning and evening commuting hours, with most midweek KSIs happening between 7am to 10am in the morning and 4pm to 7pm in the evening.
During the same period, 2016 to 2021, the Department for Transport says its figures show the majority of cyclist fatalities did not occur at or within 20m of a junction, compared to 32 per cent of serious injuries.