Spinners rejoice! Wahoo’s new research-oriented facility opens in Boulder, Colo. today, looking to up the training ante.
The facility will combine research and staff expertise with testing through physiology, biomechanics of movement, nutrition, and sports psychology, Wahoo said in a release.
Henderson will lead the team, which will also include Dr. Ginger Gottschall, director of applied research; Mac Cassin, senior sports scientist; Rupert Harold, operations manager; and Jeff Hoobler, strength and movement specialist.They’ll also record and release ‘The Knowledge’ podcast from the location. In it, short, informative episodes seek to dive deep into sports science to give listeners the ability to innovate their own training methods.
“I’m thrilled to be leading the Wahoo Sports Science team as we grow and expand the applications of sports science within Wahoo hardware and software ecosystem,” said Henderson. “We have assembled a fabulous team of knowledgeable, experienced, passionate team members working out of our world-class sports science facility in Boulder, and we are excited to continue to help build the better athlete in all of us.
Limited public participation will take place in the form of occasional camps and clinics. However, the spokesperson emphasized, the main priority this year is Wahoo-sponsored athletes and teams.