NASA is having trouble with a key part of Ingenuity's navigation system, and the agency plans to push a patch with a workaround soon.
NASA’s Mars helicopter sitting on the surface of the planet. Image source: NASA/JPL-Caltechback in 2021. But the Mars-based helicopter’s troubles didn’t stop there. It also lost signal earlier this year, causing NASA engineers to halt Perseverance’s exploration for a few days. The connection was eventually regained, but now Ingenuity faces a bigger problem:Sure, NASA is already in the throes of making that happen.
Ingenuity’s navigational system relies on three main parts to navigate within its flights. These three parts have played key parts in all thethe helicopter has taken so far. But, without the inclinometer, the algorithm that runs these three systems can’t kick things off. As such, NASA is having to look for ways to tell which direction is down without that key part.Ingenuity needs key parts of its navigational system to navigate the rocky Martian terrain.
The inclinometer plays a key role in navigating on Mars because it determines what the spacecraft’s attitude is. This helps it ultimately determine where the ground is so that it can calculate how to keep the craft upright during flight. Now, though, NASA has to find a way to work without this important part of Ingenuity’s navigation system.
One way that they hope to do this is by estimating the initial attitude using the craft’s inertial measurement unit . The IMU is responsible for measuring accelerations and angular rates in three directions. It works with the craft’s laser rangefinder and navigation camera to make flight possible. It also includes accelerometers similar to those the inclinometer uses to determine the initial launch use to rig Ingenuity’s navigation systems to work without the inclinometer.
NASA hopes to get the workaround up and running within the next few sols. If all works according to plan, the Mars helicopter will take flight once more, allowing it to stay within communication range of Perseverance and on-mission.