The mum and daughter 'reclaiming' theatre for the working class
Over the last 12 months I’ve fully fallen in love with the theatre. I guess I grew up with the impression that it wasn’t for me. Theatre is for posh people, right?
Siobhan is currently a Senior Producer at Prescot’s shiny new, multimillion pound Shakespeare North Playhouse. She said: "For Shakespeare North - Playhouse’s first Shakespeare title - we co-produced A Midsummer Night’s Dream with Northern Stage and Not Too Tame. “We probably saw some content that was too old for us too. I can still remember every song from a show about abortion laws in Ireland that my mum made when I was about 7. But I think it’s given me a great lens on the world. Theatre brings tough characters from all backgrounds, and to grow up in that world was a real privilege. It’s given me a very rich and different outlook on life.”
Siobhan said: "My mum is so giving with her time and supportive of other artists. She’s like the theatre mum of Liverpool. Everywhere we go we bump into ex-students, or people she’s directed in shows. Everyone always bigs her up and lists all the ways she’s helped them. She’s really selfless with her time and gives amazing constructive advice.”