Fresh from appearing in Netflix hit Adam McKay’s “Don’t Look Up,” Mark Rylance’s latest big screen outing is “The Outfit,” in which he stars as Leonard, a 1950s tailor. It is a role tha…
,” in which he stars as Leonard, a 1950s tailor. It is a role that could not be more dissimilar to the fictional megalomaniac billionaire Peter Isherwell, whom Rylance plays in McKay’s disaster movie.
I don’t remember it being an issue. I probably was very busy. But you just have to let go, don’t you? You just have to really just let go of things and move into what’s here now and in front of you. I have a wonderful friend who works with me on voices, which is a key thing for me, I guess. And you know, I was lucky in my early years to be in [theatrical] repertory companies where you do one performance in the afternoon and a different play in the evening on a matinee day.
If smaller films are not getting out there then it may be that the cinema is not quite the right place for people who want to see small films. I haven’t seen any Marvel films. Those big films that are now making it into the cinema are not things that particularly draw me.Well, I wouldn’t know how to make that decision because I’ve never seen one.