When you truly believe that the future has the potential to be better than the present, electrifying new ways of thinking become possible
Nina Simone, a Pisces. Photo-Illustration: by Preeti Kinha; Photos Getty On Monday, Mercury enters brilliant Aquarius, allowing you to free yourself from the rules, traditions, and thought patterns that have been restricting you. . Then on Wednesday, a full moon in loving Leo can restore your confidence, your generosity of spirit. Finally, on Friday, the sun enters intuitive Pisces. Pisces season brings a much-needed dose of empathy to all of us.
Gemini Weekly Horoscope You may feel a degree of shame, these days, for wishing you were having more fun. There’s so much suffering happening in the world that your own desire for a variety of social experiences can seem trite, unimportant. Still, this is just part of being human. And suppressing your emotional needs won’t help end anyone else’s suffering. This week, it’s important to find ways to honor the side of yourself that needs to converse, to laugh, to enjoy the company of other people.
Virgo Weekly Horoscope Wanting attention can strike you as wrong — as if it’s greedy or frivolous to want acknowledgement for your work or your skills or your kindness, as though you should be willing to labor without any need for reward. But while you’re often content to live quietly and take satisfaction in the work itself, it hurts when others disregard your contributions. You work hard to make this world better, to create beauty, to care for those around you.
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope You’ve been telling yourself that you’re tired of being observed by others, lately, but that’s not exactly it — really, you’re tired of being misinterpreted. You’ve had enough of being underestimated, of being taken for someone duller or simpler than you really are. Being regarded by someone who misunderstands you can be even worse than being ignored. It’s a terrible, lonely feeling, but it will not last forever.