The exercise is freakin’ hard, but a thrilling activity regardless of where you live.
, employs two stainless steel bearings in each handle to allow the grips to easily spin and the rope—in this case, it’s actually PVC-coated stainless steel wire—to rotate around you extremely quickly.
For the proper fit once you have the rope on hand, Newman suggests placing the middle of the rope underneath the arch of one foot. Standing straight up with a you’re-in-the-Army-now posture, pull the cable up vertically and see how it measures against your torso while holding those handles parallel to the ground, so their size doesn’t figure into the measurement. The ends of the cables should be even with, or below, the “bottom of your sternum,” Newman says.
On that point, one pitfall is that people sometimes “like to be way out here,” Newman says, extending his hands out far from his body sideways. That makes the rope shorter, meaning that it can get too close to your crown and toes.