The creator of Injustice wants to see a Doctor Fate following his appearance in BlackAdam.
The creator of Injustice is hyping up Pierce Brosnan's version of Doctor Fate in Black Adam. Despite the fact that there's a new superhero movie every month and an endless supply of superhero television shows, there are still a vast number of amazing characters that have yet to be brought to the big screen or done justice in live action.
Mortal Kombat and Injustice creator Ed Boon took to Twitter to talk about Black Adam, but particularly focused on Doctor Fate. The game designer noted that he thinks that Doctor Fate should get his own film following his debut in Black Adam. Following his tweet, he noted that Doctor Fate was trending on Twitter, seemingly suggesting that the hype for this version of the character was palpable.
0commentsBlack Adam is in theaters now. Do you want to see a Doctor Fate movie? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @Cade_Onder.