Baxter says he was \u201cdefending [himself] against the scum of the earth' when he stabbed a man on Sunday evening.
San Francisco resident Thomas Baxter walks along 16th Street with a knife in hand on Sept. 25. Photo submitted by a bystanderand have the latest stories from Mission Local delivered directly to your inbox.
Baxter said that he was making a purchase at Randa’s Market, just east of the Delirium bar on Albion, Sunday evening when a man walked in who he described as “shit-faced drunk,” belligerent, obnoxious and aggressive. Others in the neighborhood know the man as Simon. Although Baxter relayed the stabbing incident as if it happened inside the store, it appears that it happened outside, according to Mike, the store owner.
Baxter was then engaged with several people — Simon, Bruno and a woman with a cane. The woman with the cane, Mike said, added that Baxter was shouting at Simon to get out. Witnesses told Mission Local on Sunday that Baxter got down on the ground after police arrived and told him to put his weapons down, and that a quick arrest followed.
The neighbor said that her friend — a witness who she’d prefer to keep anonymous — saw the two men verbally harassing Baxter before he attacked them.