With leaked crude oil traveling along the Southern California coastline, many residents are wondering what they can do to help. While the Orange County Health Agency has warned residents to stay away from affected areas, there are other ways to assist.
Trained spill response contractors have been deployed to stop the spread of the oil and clean up the parts of the environment that have been affected, including wildlife. “Steer clear of the beaches and oceans for now and let the professionals begin their work,” said Garry Brown, founding director of Orange County Coastkeepers.
Brown also warned boat owners not to clean their oil-stained vessels while they’re in the water. Dish soap may work well for cleaning animals, but it traps the oil being cleaned off a boat and causes it to sink to the bottom of the harbor. He said that boat owners should hold off until more information is made available.
But the public’s help with the cleanup is still needed, the city of Huntington Beach said on Instagram. “Right now the wildlife rescue teams are in dire need of donations,” the city stated; it directed donors to drop off supplies at the Bolsa Chica Conservancy in Huntington Beach or theMonetary or supply donations can also go to local and statewide organizations, including: