Improving sleep quality, increasing physical activity and smoking cessation may reduce the likelihood of LongCovid, according to research published in BMCPublicHealth.
], we conducted sensitivity analyses with a variable reflecting overweight status collected in June 2020 .COVID-19 infection severity in the first 2 weeks was categorised into asymptomatic, mild , moderate , and severe .] at the time of infection was coded as the original COVID-19 variant Alpha , Delta , and Omicron .
For both sets of analyses, Model 1 included only health behaviours in the same model, Model 2 additionally adjusted for COVID-19 infection variables, Model 3 additionally adjusted for socio-demographic characteristics, and Model 4 additionally adjusted for pre-existing health conditions. Robust standard errors were used in all analyses. Coefficients from the binary logistic regressions were exponentiated and presented as odds ratios .
To and increase representativeness of the UK general population, weights were applied throughout all analyses. The sample was weighted to the proportions of gender, age, ethnicity, country, and education in the UK population obtained from the Office for National Statistics [