Arms raised and with feet not missing a beat, dozens of members of Greenwich House (GH) Older Adult Centers hit the expansive floor dancing at Our Lady of Pompeii (OLP) center last Thursday.
Arms raised and with feet not missing a beat, dozens of members of Greenwich House Older Adult Centers hit the expansive floor dancing at Our Lady of Pompeii center last Thursday.
Mary Springer, Director of the Our Lady of Pompeii site since June, reported that this was the first large festive gathering for so many since Covid, “That night on leaving, they expressed such extreme gratitude and some were close to tears. Really!”Local Councilmember Erik Bottcher always shows up with the community. “Isn’t it good we’re together in person after such a long time?” He asked the high-spirited crowd.
Klugherz danced the night away, “I loved the music, the party and especially Ben, a GH maintenance staff member who encouraged people to dance.”