Cute aliens, cute robots, cute... factories?
Nova Lands is an upcoming survival, exploration, and crafting game that looks like something between Satisfactory and Forager. It sticks you on an alien planet and has you explore ever-further along an archipelago while discovering new buildings, materials, and resources.
It's a promising-looking game, and one that looks to have that automation twist while delivering somewhat lower-key, more charming gameplay. The automation is about telling little logistics bots how to maintain your production chains, rather than setting up complex systems of belts, mergers, and inserters.
The description says that your island will be one of many, and that there are other denizens to meet—so you might get to scratch that Terraria or Core Keeper village-building itch in addition to your base-building one. Nova Lands also has combat, allowing you to use your blaster to twin-stick shoot your way around the islands and defeat bosses. That sounds cool, but it sounds especially cool because the devs also promise that you can"go the full pacifist route and remain a kind guest to this planet - even when boss creatures are concerned. Be prepared to offer valuables to make peace with them, however.