'Scientist Rebellion will be on the streets between April 4th and 9th, acting like our house is on fire. Because it is.' ScientistRebel1
"Scientist Rebellion will be on the streets between April 4th and 9th, acting like our house is on fire," said organizers."Because it is."Scientists from around the world on Monday mobilized to demand a"Climate Revolution," holding rallies and staging acts of civil disobedience with the goal of making the planetary emergency"impossible to ignore."
"We have not made the changes necessary to limit warming to 1.5°C, rendering this goal effectively impossible," said Dr. Rose Abramoff, an American climate scientist, referring to the goal set by the Paris climate agreement in 2015."We need to both understand the consequences of our inaction as well as limit fossil fuel emissions as much and as quickly as possible."
"With our civilization poised to crumble under the weight of climate disaster in a matter of decades, the incremental advance of understanding is pointless," he said."In short, there's no worthy reason for me to be doing this work if I'm not also pushing for climate action."