Authorities say that Dilkhayot Kasimov, 34, provided his own money and cash collected from others to help another man travel to Syria to fight for ISIS.
Authorities say that Dilkhayot Kasimov, 34, provided his own money and cash collected from others to help another man, Akhror Saidakhmetov, travel to Syria to fight for ISIS.
According to authorities, Kasimov drove Saidakhmetov to JFK International Airport in February 2015 and handed him $1,600 in cash on behalf of himself and another co-conspirator. Houses passes bill devoting more resources to fight domestic terrorism after Buffalo shooting "Kasimov is an ISIS supporter who collected and gave money to another individual to fund his travel to join the terrorist group. With this sentence, Kasimov is being held accountable for his crimes," said Assistant Attorney General for National Security Matthew G. Olsen.
Saidakahmetov and another accused defendant, Abdurasul Juraboev, were also sentenced to 15 years in prison, while another co-defendant, Azizjon Rakhmatov, was sentenced to 12 and a half years in prison.Advertisement "Today’s sentence demonstrates the significant consequences for those who help terrorist groups, including by facilitating travel of others to join ISIS," said U.S. Attorney Breon Peace for the Eastern District of New York. "Kasimov was part of a group of individuals who sought to travel to Syria to join ISIS or to fund others who sought to become foreign fighters for ISIS.