'Quam began documenting Chicago’s bricks as an exercise in paying attention and it led him to amazing discoveries that he loves to share with others.' | Bridgette M. Redman
Brickstacker/Wikipedia licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Quam, Chicago’s resident “brick whisperer,” gives walking tours of Chicago where he shares his infectious passion for—yes—bricks. The tours last 90 minutes, cover 1.5 miles, and cost either $19 or $10. There is no difference between the tours at the different prices, he just wants to make sure they are affordable for everyone and the lower price is for those who need it.
Chicago is a great city for brick lovers—bricks can be found all over the place and take all sorts of forms, patterns, colors, and settings. They wear down in various ways. Quam began documenting Chicago’s bricks as an exercise in paying attention and it led him to amazing discoveries that he loves to share with others.