Here are the best neutral density filters for your camera, giving you flexibility for long exposures and controlling light transmission.
If you just want to dip your toes into the world of ND filters to see what it's all about then this low-strength filter set is the way to go. The Tiffen ND filter kit comprises three ND filters in 2 stop, 3 stop and 4 stop, which is enough to get you started taking better shots in bright light and indulging in some special effects-style shots with waterfalls and 'ghost' crowds. They also come with a nice carry case that makes it easier to keep them clean and protected.
That's exactly what you want for your subject, but in order for that to have the desired effect, you're going to want to make sure everything else is in focus and sharp. That means using a tripod. However, actually achieving a sharp focus while your camera lens is wearing an anti-filter can be tricky. So it's best to compose your shot first and only then fetch the ND filter.
ND filters are sold in different densities — expressed as 'stops' — according to how much light they block . You're essentially paying for the quality of glass, with more expensive ND filters more likely to give you sharper images that retain accurate color., we've cast our eye over the market for the best ND filters and rounded up the very best to suit all budgets.