7 Abdominal Migraine Symptoms and Common Triggers
, attacks can last from two to 72 hours, and a person often has no symptoms between attacks. And, interestingly, the disease is mostly seen in children.Like other migraine syndromes, James S. Leavitt, M.D., F.A.C.G., gastroenterologist and director of clinical quality and outcomes,says that the root causes of abdominal migraines remain unclear. “It is thought that some imbalance or change in histamine and serotonin causes these events,” he says.
Discovering what causes these types of migraines can be especially important in younger patients, according to Stephen Thompson, M.D., associate professor of pediatric neurology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and pediatric neurologist with theAbdominal migraine symptoms .” Patients may feel this pain around or behind their belly button. “It is usually dull, constant, intense, and can last anywhere from an hour to several days.”Dr. Sendzischew Shane says diagnosis can be tricky. “The key is a good history. Asking detailed questions about symptom complex, frequency of symptoms, symptom-free periods, etcetera can really help clinch the diagnosis,” she says.