Peter Sakai and Ina Minjarez finished the March primary with 40.6 percent and 30.8...
Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff talks with Texas State Representative Ina Minjarez, , before giving his State of the County address at a San Antonio Chamber of Commerce luncheon at the Grand Hyatt Monday, Oct. 23, 2017. Wolff has not given an endorsement in a May 24 runoff for county judge, but praised Minjarez, one of the candidates, for her work in the Legislature as a champion for Bexar County.
“The candidate that’s the best organized, has the best ground game, whoever some of these politically active groups decide to endorse whichever way — that’ll make a difference in the runoff,” Wolff said. “They have different strengths,” Wolff said. “Ina brings a broader perspective from the state level, and she was always our champion on issues that we had. She fought hard for us the way they screwed up elections, trying to stop it,” Wolff said.
Sakai believes voters appreciate his experience in helping children, families and victims of domestic abuse, along with his specialty courts and other innovations, including a college-bound docket that has connected thousands of former foster children to higher education. He’s begun trying to reach other voters, including residents of local suburbs, where he once was a city attorney, to serve as a voice for those smaller communities.
“I would want to ensure that we are all professional, that there is a respect level there,” she said. “Although we may disagree, we need to make sure that we’re productive and that we do what’s best for the taxpayers, what’s best for the community.”Wolff said he’s offered to provide information to the campaigns on key county issues and will do “everything I can” in November and December to make a smooth transition to his successor. He’s pleased the campaigns have been “civil.