The 2022 Virgo full moon acts as a supportive beacon and amplifies the urge to do something. Here are some ways to find a healthy balance between giving to others and giving to yourself amidst this potent energy. 🌕
, now's the time to incorporate more plant life into your décor scheme—which can have the bonus effect of banishing some of those winter blues. If you have an emerald thumb and ample light, adopt a fiddle leaf fig. Or how about an air-purifying
or a pachira aquatica, aka a"money tree," for attracting green in more ways than one? If you're looking for inspo, we're huge fans of interiors wiz Justina Blakeney's site The Jungalow and author Hilton Carter, whose leafy Instagram feed makes us swoon. Or find the perfect plants for your zodiac sign This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features.Waste not, want not: That's one of Virgo's favorite expressions.
Let this March 2022 full moon inspire a sense of neighborly kindness as you flow through your days. Take a moment to thank people who are serving you, from the barista to the drugstore cashier. Make sure anything you toss winds up in the proper trash receptacle . Hold the door for the person coming in behind you. Offer to help someone struggling with bags to carry them up the steps. Let friends know the little things you appreciate about them.