.JacobyShaddix of paparoach names his five albums he can't live without
It’s been in my truck now for three years straight. It’s the only CD that I have in my truck and I keep goin’ back to it. It’s right before they went deep into the super crazy oddball stylings ofetc., and it’s just the perfect balance of kooky, outside-of-the-box rock with amazing pop songs, all in one. And uh, I mean right off the rip “Taxman”–it’s just such a great groove.
” Hardcore, they got elements of jazz in there, and the way that they fused all these styles together, it just blew my mind, it was so ahead of its time. It’s still a record that holds up to this day. A lot of people in the rock and metal and punk scene revere this album as just a fuckin’ musical masterpiece and what a great live band as well. Fuck, I love the Refused.